RabbitMQ Login Failed

Jul 10
RabbitMQ fix failed to login through UI Management.


If you're using Linux (whatever your distro is) you'll likely encounter this kind of problem, well in my case, after I install my RabbitMQ server using Ubuntu apt,

sudo apt install rabbitmq-server

and so to make things easier for me, I use Management UI Access by enabling from command,

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

after that, I try to login through UI (localhost:15672) using default user (guest), but unfortunately even using default user it tells me that Login Failed, I try to check all listed user and I see guest is listed, even when I try to change guest password it's still failed to login.


Create a new user!

Yes that's the solution (well in my case it works lol) by only using this command :

Add a new user

rabbitmqctl add_user <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>

Set the user as administrator

rabbitmqctl set_user_tags <USERNAME> administrator

That's all, and try to login again if it works, it will redirect the pages to the dashboard.

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